ConAgra Frozen Foods - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This document contains all required information in order to meet 40 CFR 68 "Risk Management Program" including an Executive Summary and RMP data elements (68.155 through 68.185).   
1.0    Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies 
The Con Agra Frozen Foods (CFF) facility in Batesville, Arkansas has a good record in preventing releases of anhydrous* ammonia.  The CFF facility has a thorough emergency training program for on-site emergency responders.  The facility has implemented CFF's HAZWOPER plan (emergency response program) which is a plan designed for the safety of its employees', the community and the environment.  This detailed emergency response program includes procedures for handling an emergency - the established action plan and appropriate personnel involved in containing a hazardous release (HAZMAT team).  As part of this emergency response program, CFF emphasizes a thorough training program and medical su 
rveillance of the  HAZMAT team prior to and after an incident.  With the potential dangers associated with a hazardous chemical release, CFF has researched and developed safe containment and disposal procedures as well as a evaluation procedure following an emergency response.  All of these components make the CFF HAZWOPER plan a thorough and comprehensive plan for release prevention and emergency response. 
The emergency response policies at the CFF facility ensure that there is emergency response coverage 24 hours - 7 days per week.  There are also provisions for coordination with outside agencies such as the Batesville Fire Department in the event of an emergency. 
*From this point in the Executive Summary, anhydrous ammonia will be synonymous with ammonia. 
2.0    Process Description and Regulated Substances 
CFF is a producer of prepared frozen food products.  At the Batesville site, there are two primary operations:  1) poultry eviscerating (called the processing plant in this repo 
rt); and 2) frozen food preparation (called the cook plant in this report).  Specifically, the cook plant produces retail frozen meals principally fried chicken dinners.  The NAICS codes for processes at the cook plant is 311412 and at the processing plant is 311613. 
CFF has one regulated substance under 40 CFR 68: ammonia.  Ammonia is used as a refrigerant in the refrigeration of the foods in the various areas of the plant. 
The ammonia threshold for triggering applicability to 40 CFR 68 is 10,000 pounds. The quantity of ammonia stored at the cook plant is approximately 170,000 pounds and at the processing plant is 13,000 pounds.  Thus, 40 CFR 68 applies to the Con Agra Frozen Foods (CFF) cook and processing plant in Batesville, Arkansas. 
3.0    Worst-case and Alternative Release Scenarios 
Worst-Case Scenario Description 
The largest potential release of ammonia could occur with a puncture in the liquid portion of the high pressure receiver.  Taking the specific definition of the wor 
st-case from 40 CFR 68.25, the largest quantity of ammonia that can be stored in a vessel is in the high pressure receiver during a pump-out situation.  The total quantity of ammonia that can be stored in the high pressure receiver 25,921 pounds. The release would reach offsite endpoints and nearby public receptors. 
Alternative Release Scenario Description - Cook Plant  
    The alternative release scenario that meets both selection criteria is an ammonia release from the 1/2" gauge glass that could be broken off a high pressure receiver near the base of the tank by a forklift truck. The pipe would break in such a way as to produce a vertical jet release.  There are no applicable administrative controls or passive mitigation.  Active mitigation of the release is human intervention (water spray to suppress ammonia liquid/vapor mixture).  The release would reach offsite endpoints and nearby public receptors. 
Alternative Release Scenario Description - Processing Plant 
    The alternative r 
elease scenario that meets both selection criteria is an ammonia release from the 1/2" gauge glass that could break off a high pressure receiver near the base of the tank by a forklift truck. The pipe would break in such a way as to produce a vertical jet release.  There is no applicable administrative controls or passive mitigation.  Active mitigation of the release is human intervention (water spray to suppress ammonia liquid/vapor mixture).  The release would reach offsite endpoints and nearby public receptors. 
4.0    General Accidental Release Prevention Program and Chemical-Specific Prevention Steps 
Con Agra Frozen Foods (CFF) has developed an OSHA PSM  program for  their  ammonia refrigeration systems. At CFF, ammonia falls under the RMP Program 3 prevention program which is identical to the OSHA PSM program.  EPA has said that if the process is in compliance with OSHA PSM, then it is compliance with RMP Program 3.  Thus, CFF's ammonia PSM has been reviewed and determined to be c 
omplete for the RMP document.   
There are several aspects of the ammonia prevention program that are key: 
1.    The ammonia PSM program at CFF includes provisions for employee involvement, procedures for working with contractors, pre-startup safety reviews and managing change within the system. The different sections of the PSM document detail employee participation (hazard analysis team), process safety information, process hazard analysis (PHA - what-if/checklist), operating procedures, training, mechanical integrity, hot work permits, management of change, incident investigation, compliance audits and emergency planning and response (HAZWOPER plan).  The plant, therefore, maintains good training, certification, and employee awareness of operating procedures. 
2.    CFF has researched information pertaining to the properties and hazards of ammonia, sought professional assistance from experts in the ammonia refrigeration industry, and used many internal resources to develop the "ConAgra F 
rozen Foods - Ammonia Refrigeration Reference Manual".  Block flow diagrams and P&ID's have been developed and are updated as the ammonia refrigeration system audits are completed. 
3.    CFF has established a hazards analysis team (comprising of plant employees)  responsible for updating existing operating procedures for the refrigeration system and also verifying and documenting the mechanical integrity of the system. 
4.    In the event of a catastrophic release or an incident which could have resulted in a catastrophe, investigations will be undertaken (this is a policy of the  PSM document).  Necessary preventative measures will be taken to reduce the risk of incident reoccurrence. 
5.0    Five-year Accident History 
The review of CFF's accident history includes the following range of dates: June 22, 1994 - June 21, 1999.  According to 40 CFR Part 68.42(a), there have been no accidental releases at this facility. 
6.0    Emergency Response Program 
As mentioned previously, the CFF facility 
has developed an OSHA hazardous substance emergency response program called HAZWOPER. The HAZWOPER document contain detailed procedures for: 1) pre-emergency planning and coordination; 2) personnel roles and lines of authority; 3) training; 4) communication; 5) emergency recognition and prevention; 6) safe distances and places of refuge; 7) site security and control; 8) emergency alerting and response; 9) ammonia decontamination; 10) emergency medical treatment and first aid; 11) critique of response and follow-up; 12) personal protective and emergency equipment; and 13) medical surveillance. 
CFF's emergency response plan (HAZWOPER) is a detailed document which discusses the role of employees and management in an emergency situation.  All emergency response personnel undergo training and records of this training are maintained and updated on site.  The plan outlines specific procedures for evacuations, incident alarms and alerting.  Depending upon a given situation, the Fire Departme 
nt will be called to provide back-up emergency responders and equipment.   The Fire Department will be called for all fire related emergencies.  The incident commander has ultimate control of implementation of the emergency response plan. 
7.0    Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
Based on the completed Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) for ammonia, a list of action items were developed and their status monitored to ensure that implementation was accomplished.
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