Maple Grove Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

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Executive Summary 
The Consolidated Mutual Water Company 
Maple Grove Water Treatment Plant 
The Consolidated Mutual Water Company (owner) operates one (1) water treatment plant, Maple Grove Water Treatment Plant, located at 12599 West 27th Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado. At this site Chlorine, which is used for disinfection of treated water is stored in reportable amounts. The storage vessels are one ton cylinders and vary from one cylinder in the winter months up to three cylinders in the summer months. In the past five years the treatment plant has not experienced any releases of liquid or gaseous chlorine of reportable amounts.   
Chlorine safety has been an item of paramount importance to the Company for many years. In 1981 all treatment plant personal were required to attend chlorine safety training classes that included daily chlorine operations and tank leak repair. Classes were continued on a yearly basis to assure up to date training. In 1990 the local fire department was contac 
ted to conduct the safety training classes. The responsibility for tank leak repair was also turned over to the local fire department when new regulations made it impracticable to train all personal to the new criteria. 
The plant continues to keep emergency equipment includes a tank repair kit and self-contained breathing apparatus at the site. 
In 1987 the plant was upgraded and the chlorine room was isolated from the main plant, the entire room is visible through a glass window and external alarms are audible in the main operations room. The chlorine room has external access only. The feed system was changed to a totally vacuum system, which will shut chlorine feed at the tank if vacuum is lost in the feed system. An additional alarm was added for detection of any chlorine leakage in the chlorine room and a chlorine exhaust system was installed. 
Using the worst-case scenario on OCA Guidance a .9 mile radius from the plant was obtained, this agrees with the 1.0-mile radius we have b 
een using in our Facility Profile and Internal Contingency Plan, submitted to comply with SARA Title III requirements. Using OCA Guidance an alternate scenario was run to reflect a more common type of release, a small hole or leaking valve. For this scenario a .1 inch hole with 1 inch of liquid over the hole was used, this resulted in a .2 mile length of influence.   
Consolidated Mutual Water Company submitted it's first "Facility Profile and Internal Contingency Plan " in accordance with SARA Title III, Section 312, on August 28, 1988. 
The plan was submitted to the Jefferson County Colorado Emergency Planning Committee and copies sent to Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District, West Metro Fire Protection District (formerly Lakewood Fire Protection District) and Lakewood Hazardous Material Coordinator for review and comments. The Plan has been updated and submitted yearly since then. 
The following information is extracted from the September 23, 1998 Facility Profile and Internal Conting 
ency Plan for Maple Grove Water Treatment Plant. 
Facility Emergency Coordinators: 
Monte Edwardson - Manager, Water Supply and Treatment     W-303-238-0451  
Chris Jones - Superintendent, Water Supply                          W-303-238-0451 
Emergency Response and Reporting Agencies: 
1)  Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District                 303-424-7323 
2)  West Metro Fire Protection District                   303-989-4207 
3)  Wheat Ridge Police DepartmenT                      303-232-4357 
4)  Lakewood Police Department                            303-987-7111 
5)  Jefferson County Sheriff's Department                303-277-0211 
6)  Jefferson County Health Department                  303-232-6301 
7)  Colorado Health Department                             303-756-4455 
8)  Jeffers 
on County LEPC                                     303-271-8215 
9)  Environmental Protection Agency                      303-293-1788 
10) National Chlorine Response Center                1-800-424-8802 
11) EPA Title III hotline                                       1-800-535-0202 
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are on file at the treatment plant and also in the master files located at the Company main office, located at 12700 West 27th Avenue, Lakewood, Colorado. Treatment plant facilities are operated 24 hours a day. 
Emergency Response and Public Notification:  
The "Facility Profile and Internal Contingency Plan" contains a list of and phone numbers for schools, retirement homes and colleges within a 1.0-mile radius of the treatment plant. The plan also includes a map of the area with 500 foot, .5 mile and 1.0 mile radius circles drawn on it to aid in rapid determination of possible effected area. A drawing of the treatment plant building and location of chlorine cylinders is als 
o included. 
Our emergency response procedures require the operator on duty to contact the local dispatcher for the City of Lakewood, the City of Wheat Ridge and Jefferson County if any reportable release is experienced. Notification of Company emergency coordinators is also required. 
Standard Operating and Maintenance Procedures:   
Safety protection caps are required on all delivered tanks and left on until tanks are put on line. Caps are replaced after use for shipment. 
New washers are required for fittings with each tank hook-up. All fittings are leak tested prior to being placed in service. 
Tanks are orientated to release chlorine in the gaseous state only. 
Chlorine monitors are tested and receive proper maintenance on a scheduled recommended by the manufacture. 
All feed lines and valves subject to deterioration from chlorine are replaced on a scheduled maintenance program. Replacement parts are kept on hand at the facilities. 
Two operators are required to be present wheneve 
r chlorine tanks are changed. One must remain outside of the chlorine room as a safety observer. 
All new operating personal receive extensive chlorine safety training as part of their on the job training program and no reportable release of chlorine has ever occurred at the facilities.
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